Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Second Quarter at ShiDa

I've started my second quarter at ShiDa. This time I opted for an intensive class, which meets 3 hours a day instead of 2. What I wasn't quite prepared for was twice the amount of homework. I've only had two days of class and have spent nearly all my outside time doing homework or studying, and I don't see an end to it with the aggressive schedule that we have. However, if I can stick with it, my Chinese should improve a lot faster than before.

My class currently has 7 students. Three are Japanese, one from Turkey, one from Guatemala and one other American. My previous class was mostly women, with only 2 men. This time it's mostly men, with only 2 women. The other woman is married and only in Taiwan for 6 months (because her husband is here to learn Chinese for work). The American is also married - he's got Korean parents and a Taiwanese wife and also only here for this quarter. I haven't learned too much else about the other students - most of them are from small families (4-5 people each). At least two of the students are new to ShiDa this quarter. The teacher is energetic and very organized - so far I like her style a lot.

I've been really jetlagged since my return, coupled with all the recent life changes, I don't find a lot of time to blog or take pictures. Some other quick notes on recent activities:
  • made homemade applesauce as filling for dessert crepes and chocolate chip craisin cookies to celebrate John's birthday - Becca put on a great surprise party at Carnegies 2
  • checked out the almond jello place near Dan's - along with the peanut soup - both delicious, I'll have to go back soon to get my fill - it's very similar to the snack I made with my mom growing up
  • saw the Puppet Museum - surprisingly interesting (tell them you're a student to get a discount)
  • got another sunset induced headache at Sunday ultimate - that makes it the 3rd time this year I've had a migraine trigger while playing ultimate - grrr (mom, tao: don't worry)
  • had a goodbye dinner for Stanley with Christina - he is going to start his mandatory military service next week for a year! I'm sad to see him go.
I also am excited to have my knitting needles from Seattle - I need to check out the stores that Catherine mentioned in her blog and then organize a knitting night. I only know of two other knitters so far - so if you're interested in joining, drop me a line. Note that knitting night is open to all genders and you don't even have to knit. It's just an excuse to have a get together with good company and some food and drink.


Anonymous said...

Hi - its Jeff from Singapore. I'm in Redmond this week and just chatted with SK, wondering if you want to work in TW? Let me know,

Catherine Shu said...

Welcome to the miji ban! It's a lot of work, but I think it's worth it in the long run. Knitting night sounds like a great idea. Have you started on a project?

Lin said...

Hey Jeff, nice to hear from you. I just bought my tickets for BKK - see you at Hat next year again? As for work, it's still a little early - I'm committed to one more quarter of Chinese lessons - but next year I will start thinking about income options in TW.

Catherine, thanks - it's getting easier. I think the hardest is having to memorize all the chapter words in one night. It used to be I only had to memorize half each day. As for knitting, I have some yarn but no real projects. I can do scarves and hats, but I wouldn't mind starting a mitten/sock/sweater/purse project. Have you ever done felting? I'm afraid I'll have to start at the scarf level as I may have forgotten everything my friend Gretchen taught me 2 winters ago. Hopefully I'll get to that knitting store you wrote about this weekend and then I can organize a knitting night.