Thursday, August 23, 2007


I registered at ShiDa this morning. I took the MRT, transferring twice for NT$25. I decided to walk to a different stop to see if it would be any shorter timewise, and ended up walking all the way home. On the way, I passed a "Coffree Shop" and a "Buty Shop".

I'll be in a Beginner class since I can't read or write and can only just barely speak and listen. Orientation is in a week, so until then I just have to get over jet lag and try to figure out how to get food.

I stopped at 8 Quarters for a Bubble Tea. It wasn't very good - the ice wasn't crushed and there were too many pearls. But it sure hit the spot to battle the heat and humidity here. I feel like the weekend in Vegas prepped me for this weather, but I'm still looking forward to it cooling off.

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