Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Pancakes for Breakfast

I just read another great book tonight - Pancakes for Breakfast. We didn't so much read it as look at the pictures and discuss it with the kids at bed time. Highly recommended. (See more wordless books here. I also like Zoom.) I also happened to make a batch of banana pancakes this morning to celebrate the arrival of Brianne, one of my favorite people in the world. They were gobbled up for lunch, as she was quite jet lagged from the 6 hour difference (and getting only 2 hours sleep on her flights here).

It's late, I'm tired, so I'll let the pictures do the rest...

(We enjoyed two walks today and saw lots of animals. Bri has more pictures that she's uploading now.)


Anonymous said...

Pancakes are good for breakfast but they are also good for lunch, dinner and for snacks. In fact, I can't think of a meal where they aren't good. I'll have to check out that book.

snowtweety said...
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snowtweety said...
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snowtweety said...
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snowtweety said...


Hey Lin,
Try this next time:

~ tuyet